How you can spot it.
Management or mods will take every action to cover their own butts. Will defend each other managers regardless of wrong doing. Others seeking management position will learn that in order to get where they want to be, they have to do the same. The problem with this is that even if a manager or mod does something bad against a company or website, the corrupt mods or managers will never learn from these mistakes because they will never admit to them. It forms into a clique that only cares about their clique and often these cliques will turn on others they view as "lowers" and will just cover it up so the boss won't see. Often fabrications take place.
You may also notice subtle and even flat out "us. vs them" tactics used but the managers turn it around and declare it's actually everyone else but them doing it.
Will never apologize for actions. If there are managers in training out of the clique, you may notice that manager deliberately comes in to impress the clique by proving they will lie and defend the other managers at all cost.
Will use many different methods of deceit including guilt, blackmail and lying about events often getting other managers to go along with it. If a boss is doing a good job and protecting his or her company, the boss will actually investigate and keep a watchful eye. Otherwise, the company may suffer as these corrupt managers care nothing about the company, only pretending to if it will earn them points.
You notice the only other types of people who get promoted to manager position or moderator are those that have the same mindset as the clique.
This behavior does not belong at Wrong Planet. It's everywhere you go but does it have to be at an aspie messageboard where it's not aspie like?
There is nothing wrong with having morals but now in today's society, the word moral is silenced and in it's place is political correctness trying to be the evil stepmother replacing moral codes with exclusiveness of who is allowed leniency and who you should bash for not having the PC shield.
I prefer to treat others with respect but I refuse to see why others think you should give them respect if they are going to constantly insult, belittle, harass and bully. So I guess today's society caters more towards sociopathic behaviors which is moral insanity because there have been several actions in the past to get rid of morals.
Now if you have morals or you aren't with the clique, you are discriminated against. Being an individual is just fine. Sorry some of the gang can't see the beauty but I can see through the B.S anyway.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
No I'm not Ladyinred
I still read the thread that I was banned over. Sinsboldly sure does like to tell people "why don't you go somewhere else" "Why not start your own forum". Is this the goal? To chase off people and what is the purpose?
So what now? How many other messageboards have spawned as a result of wrong planet which was influenced by Here is old post on wrong planet.
So what now? How many other messageboards have spawned as a result of wrong planet which was influenced by Here is old post on wrong planet.
Monday, June 8, 2009
The Rules of Wrong Planet and how wrong they are
Mods like to selectively choose when rules apply.
Rule 1.
The following activities are unacceptable on WrongPlanet:
1. Posting offensive language, comments, video, or images.
Unacceptable content includes swearing; racist, sexist, homophobic language; behavior intended to provoke or belittle other members; violent or sexually demeaning content; sexual fetish; and discussion of excretory function. Posting graphic images or videos of people or animals being harmed is prohibited.
So this rule is skewed so that Makunarblahblah can tell people they aren't allowed to "attack" people using a parody website.
But, where was Makunarblahblah when someone was actually putting down autistics here? Can anyone see the hypocrisy? I've already shown this rule taken out of context and twisted so SB could lock a thread but look at this one and tell me why he wasn't there instantly to tell this person to back off?
Someone from that thread named Jemir was banned. After looking at his prior posts, it was obvious he was banned for his reply back to the OP who has made more than a couple of hate threads against autistics.
2. Personal attacks.
This includes insinuation, ridicule and personal insults, regardless of whether direct or indirect. Attacking an opinion, belief or philosophy is acceptable, but attacking the person making the comments is not.
Mods are selective with this one too. So back to Jemir, was he banned for his comment back? Why wasn't the OP banned the moment he started bashing autistics on an autistic message board?
Makes no sense.
3. Other inappropriate content and behavior prohibited on Wrong Planet:
This includes copyrighted material, serial codes, and posts made to promote a website, group or product, particularly if made repeatedly and without other participation in the WP community (spamming). This also includes discussion of locked topics, discussion of banned members and why they were banned and anything else that purposely causes conflict with other members.
So if members were unfairly banned, you can't talk about them or ask? Why not?
What if a member was banned injustly and there was a mistake?
User accounts
* Each user of WrongPlanet is only permitted to hold one user account unless given permission by the owner of
* Impersonating someone is not permitted.
Who would ask Alex if they could have sock puppet? I doubt just any regular member could get that permission.
Rule 1.
The following activities are unacceptable on WrongPlanet:
1. Posting offensive language, comments, video, or images.
Unacceptable content includes swearing; racist, sexist, homophobic language; behavior intended to provoke or belittle other members; violent or sexually demeaning content; sexual fetish; and discussion of excretory function. Posting graphic images or videos of people or animals being harmed is prohibited.
So this rule is skewed so that Makunarblahblah can tell people they aren't allowed to "attack" people using a parody website.
But, where was Makunarblahblah when someone was actually putting down autistics here? Can anyone see the hypocrisy? I've already shown this rule taken out of context and twisted so SB could lock a thread but look at this one and tell me why he wasn't there instantly to tell this person to back off?
Someone from that thread named Jemir was banned. After looking at his prior posts, it was obvious he was banned for his reply back to the OP who has made more than a couple of hate threads against autistics.
2. Personal attacks.
This includes insinuation, ridicule and personal insults, regardless of whether direct or indirect. Attacking an opinion, belief or philosophy is acceptable, but attacking the person making the comments is not.
Mods are selective with this one too. So back to Jemir, was he banned for his comment back? Why wasn't the OP banned the moment he started bashing autistics on an autistic message board?
Makes no sense.
3. Other inappropriate content and behavior prohibited on Wrong Planet:
This includes copyrighted material, serial codes, and posts made to promote a website, group or product, particularly if made repeatedly and without other participation in the WP community (spamming). This also includes discussion of locked topics, discussion of banned members and why they were banned and anything else that purposely causes conflict with other members.
So if members were unfairly banned, you can't talk about them or ask? Why not?
What if a member was banned injustly and there was a mistake?
User accounts
* Each user of WrongPlanet is only permitted to hold one user account unless given permission by the owner of
* Impersonating someone is not permitted.
Who would ask Alex if they could have sock puppet? I doubt just any regular member could get that permission.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Thread was locked, I am banned so here are my replies

Wrote this on, thread was locked, then it was unlocked and moved to another section and I was banned. Here are replies. First, here is the topic:

Well 2 posts and I'm banned-
Onto replies:
Ladyinred wrote- I completely agree with you. Shame that the thread will be deleted and you will be banned though. But well said.
(re:) You were right. I'm banned now. Sad how predictable it is. I think to make it seem less predictable they decided to lock it at first then move it to discussion just to prove you wrong in some way but I'm sure if you wouldn't have mentioned it, this would have been deleted.
J0sh wrote- (posted a picture of a baby crying)
(re:) I didn't ask for old photos of yourself ;)
MattShizzle wrote- Sounds 100% right to me. Authoritarianism on a site for aspies is like requiring users drink a gallon of milk on a site for the lactose intolerant.
(re:) Exactly. I really wonder about their priorities and why they are blatantly trying to pressure people into their rules of conformity. It certainly isn't the easy to read rules Alex posted. There was this one thread where Sinsboldly claimed someone who wanted blunt honesty was breaking the rules and bolded "sexual fetish". Sorry but I've never heard of a sexual fetish that revolved around brutal honesty.
typ3- Funny thing is, he only has one example in his blog. In that, the mod spoke his mind in a perfectly sound way, and DID NOT ban anybody! He didn't even lock the topic! He reminded the OP it is against the rules to post any material that may attack any certain group of people isn't acceptable, and that he respects the intention of humor, but did seem nethertheless an attack.
Not to mention this rule isn't enforced on a "Authoritarian" level here. lawlzzzz
Any frequenter of WP knows this.
(re:) Expect more from this blog. People have brought up that site time and time again ( as it has some funny content. It's not offensive. Even Alex on the main page has a link that could be "offensive" using that mod's logic titled "NT's in denial." Oh no, sound the alarms at an autistic messageboard because it's pulling an us vs. them stunt! Oh please. It's a double standard and an attempt to overrule someone using your mod status to tell them they aren't allowed to write in a topic about something they found funny that clearly isn't offensive but then say nothing when it comes to people saying downright vulgar statements against autistics and shrugging.
That is an indicator that the person is choosing sides based on what that person is and even though tries to put on a display of "now now, no offensive us vs. them stuff" act, reveals alot when the person turns the other cheek when someone posts blatantly aggressive and offensive messages about autistics. Double standard? YES
Postperson wrote- I'd class it as overmoderation, an overzealous action. Sometimes you get that from mods, I suppose everyone has their 'short fuse' days, so at this stage I'd probably slot it into that category.
There has however been a period in the past when overmoderation was a serious problem at this site and ultimately most of the then moderators were banned. They became a junta who ...oh well it's probably all still there way back in the archives.
(re:) I am not sure what time frame you are talking about but yes it is overmoderation. It's not wrong to ban people if they are a threat and a real one. I wonder why people who are opinionated but in a logical and not overly vulgar are tossed out. That makes no sense for an aspie community.
-Wrongplanet is Wrong
Trail of the banned
Wrong Planet is paraded as the community for people with autism (mostly aspergers) but are the mods abusing their powers? Some people were ban worthy however, there were people that did nothing wrong that were banned. Some were apart of the community for a long time, others were not.
Some people get warnings in threads that aren't offensive citing that it is offensive while some others have flat out said some cruel things aimed at autistics and their threads remained opened.
Here is latest example:
Mod claiming obvious parody is offensive-
Does Alex not care about his own website anymore? Maybe he should call up his original co-founder Dan Grover and ask him to clean up the mess for him.
Were you banned from wrongplanet and what reason was given? Do you know of someone banned and what was the reason?
Shed some light on why you were banned or someone else was. I know of a few people but won't post their names without permission.
Were you ban worthy?
Some people get warnings in threads that aren't offensive citing that it is offensive while some others have flat out said some cruel things aimed at autistics and their threads remained opened.
Here is latest example:
Mod claiming obvious parody is offensive-
Does Alex not care about his own website anymore? Maybe he should call up his original co-founder Dan Grover and ask him to clean up the mess for him.
Were you banned from wrongplanet and what reason was given? Do you know of someone banned and what was the reason?
Shed some light on why you were banned or someone else was. I know of a few people but won't post their names without permission.
Were you ban worthy?
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